Finding Us

Please enter a postcode / location or use your current location to get directions. You can also select your preferred mode of transport from those available.

Access to Promenada is easy by superhighways leading to and from Chiang Mai. Ample parking is provided in and around the building for visitors, special designated parking areas are provided for visitors, employees, busses and taxis.
By Car

Promenada is easily accessible by car from Super Highway and the New Ring Road 2. We have more than 1,200 spacious car parking spaces both indoor and outdoor, which are free of charge for our customers.

Parking for Motorbike

There are more than 500 spaces for motorbike parking available at our indoor car park area.

Parking for disabled visitors

There are specially designated parking spaces located throughout the car park near

Public Transport

Promenada is easily accesable through services like Grab and Uber. Also we provide an on-call taxi service, Please inform our staff at the information desk. Furthermore, there are several red trucks (Songtaew) available at all times at therefor designated area’s.

Get here by Grab

GrabTaxi is a smartphone-based taxi booking and dispatching service. Our vision is to revamp the Thai taxi industry, making it a safer and more efficient means of transport we can all be proud of.